Not Just Pilates

Tuesdays 9am - 10am
Fridays 8:30am - 9:30am
Fridays 10am - 11am

There are many different levels to each Pilates exercise and clients will be monitored and encouraged to work at their appropriate level progressing to the more advanced options if required.  All participants are asked to advise the instructor of any injuries/medical conditions prior to the commencement of each class.

A medical screening form will need to be completed prior to commencing your first class.

Classes are very popular, often with a waiting list. Please consider this if you choose to “sit out” a block as the space will be offered to another client waiting to attend classes.


Please bring your own yoga/pilates mat. Mats, neck/knee pads and pilates soft balls are available to purchase should you wish and a small number of mats will be available to use until such time as you can provide your own. Antibacterial spray and towels will be available to use.


  • Yoga Mat – £25.00
  • Large neck pad and cover – £14.00
  • Small neck pad and cover £12.00
  • Pilates soft ball – £10.00



In order to maximise the benefits that Pilates has to offer, clients are advised to follow a course that is progressive. Courses run monthly at a cost of £10 per class pay as you go or £30 per month for unlimited classes.

Payment methods accepted: cash, cheques or contactless/chip and pin.

Advance payment is due in full on the last class of the month for the following month.  Missed classes are not refundable if you are unable to attend. Credit sessions for an alternative class will be offered where possible for absences, according to availability within the current block.

It is possible for new clients to join a block part way through, space permitting, and pay £10 for their first class prior to committing to a full course.


You will need to wear comfortable clothing such as leggings and t-shirt.  As the majority of the exercises are completed lying on your back, tummy or side please try to avoid clothing with zips or buttons as these may make your Pilates experience a little uncomfortable.  Shoes are not worn during class.  You may wear socks or go barefoot.

Becki White