Our Charity
Colehill and Wimborne Youth and Community Centre is a charitable company limited by guarantee, charity number 1120361, company number 05928187, established in 2006.
Our charitable objectives in summary are:
- To support the young people and other residents of Colehill, Wimborne and the surrounding area without distinction of sex, sexual orientation, race, politics or religion, by providing facilities for education, recreation and leisure.
- To maintain The Reef, Youth and Community Centre.
- To undertake other charitable purposes as determined by the trustees.
The charity established The Reef building in 2016, to serve as the Youth and Community Centre for Colehill, Wimborne and the surrounding area. We work with the Dorset Youth Association to operate a Youth Club two evenings each week during term time, and we hire out our two halls for a wide variety of community focused events, clubs and classes. Our building is also available for private hire for events such as birthday parties, wedding receptions and business meetings.
All revenue generated from hiring the building and from any charitable grants and donations received go towards running the Reef Youth Club, providing local community events and covering the operating cost of the building.
Our Team
The Reef charity is governed by 4 trustees who work on an unpaid voluntary basis: Leslie Gibson (Chair), Nigel Bridle, Ken Murgatroyd and Emma Urquhart.
We are supported by the Clerk and Assistant Clerk of Colehill Parish Council, Zoe Caddy and Emma Cross, who administer the affairs of the charity and the associated company, and manage the The Reef building on a day to day basis including room bookings.
Our Business Plan
See the 2023-2025 Business Plan, adopted by the Trustees in June 2023, last reevised May 2024.
Our Accounts
See the Reef Accounts for 2023-2024.
Our Policies
Our Environmental Policy (last reviewed 1/12/23) details our environmental commitments, including consideration of the environment in all our decisions.
Our Equality and Diversity Policy (last reviewed 26/7/24) reinforces our commitment to providing equality and fairness to all our hirers and volunteers.
Our GDPR Policy (last reviewed 29/11/24) explains why we need to collect and hold personal data, how we protect that data and the rights of individuals regarding their data.
Our Reserves Policy (last reviewed 28/5/24) explains our reserve funds and funds we hold which are designated for specific purposes.
Our Safeguarding Policy (last reviewed 29/11/24) defines how we operate to safeguard children, young people, and adults at risk of abuse or neglect.
We are independent from all political parties and remain politically neutral.
All tea, coffee & sugar we purchase will be Fairtrade.